Sunday, July 10, 2011

Progress Report

    This Blog will report my thoughts and reporting on my groups final project. It will announce how I think we have been doing as well as maybe things my group could have done better. This is still the semi early stage of the product. We have three weeks left which seems like a lot, but it is not. Along with a good bit of time, we still have a good bit of work.
   This past week my group submitted the proposal. I think it went well. I was actually really confused at all of this because, the Wednesday of the Skype conference with our professor, I was out of town and unable to get to a computer therefore I missed the Skype call. Luckily my group members were able to attend. We had a proposal to turn in on last Thursday, which consisted of a few different parts that ultimately created a report. I talked to my group members and got to information that I had missed and what I had to do to benefit the group. I believe my group used the distribution of tasks for this part. One of my members definitely took the leader role and explained exactly what was needed to complete the assignment. I did what she asked me to do and it made things a lot easier on me from not knowing anything to be being brought up to speed with the project. I believe my group is on schedule, but we have a lot of work to do this week. Last week was crazy with the Fourth of July holiday and one of my members is in Europe for the summer. This week we need to sit down and figure out exactly what we want to do. We gave a rough draft type of ideas with the proposal. I like to finish all of my work with some time to re do them if needed. I do not believe we encountered any major problems other then me missing the Skype and being completely clueless as to what we needed to do, but we go that figured out and are now rolling along. For this week, I would like to work on our event multimedia portion of the project. I would also like to look over the remaining timeline and remind my group of the deadlines we had set for ourselves. I believe that this week is less hectic for everyone and will give us time to complete these weeks’ assignments as well as get a head start on next weeks.  As far as communication issues, I do not believe it has been a problem. I communicate with one of my members; the one in the U.S. by telephone, and I communicate the member in Europe by email. They have both been very responsive which makes it easier to complete the tasks at hand.

     I believe things are going well. This is a new experience for me to work collaboratively via Internet. It really is teaching me different lessons to learn that I believe will be useful in my major. It keeps me checking my email, to make sure that my partner in Europe is not in need of assistance with something she is working on. It is a little easier to use a phone to communicate, but we are making it work.

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