Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Introduction- Me and More About Me

My name is Tyler Peterson. I am a senior Hospitality and Tourism Management major from New Orleans Louisiana. I was able to become very involved on campus during my time at Southern Miss. My two major organizations are student government association and my fraternity. These organizations have given me the chance to expand my network further then I ever thought possible. My fraternity introduced me to which I am sure will be in my top ten accomplishments of my life. Last summer I cycled across the country from San Francisco to Washington D.C. raising money and awareness for people with disabilities. (See link:

Started on Golden Gate Bridge

Finished on Capital Lawn

     I am currently employed by Southern Miss Summer Conference. I am a front desk assistant dealing with summer camps and conferences that are staying in the dorms. I really like this job because it falls under my major of hospitality. I am dealing with customers and striving to provide the best customer service so that customers will return either as guest or students. During the fall I plan on working at a hotel in Hattiesburg to get even more experience within my field.

    With my summer job, we work in seven-hour shifts. We utilize writing to explain any event that may take place during our shift. This provides my colleagues with any info regarding an incident that has occurred or may reoccur. This requires the information to include specifics as to what happened and what things were said. This makes it easier for everyone that comes to work.

    My favorite type of writing goes back to when I was on the Journalism Team in high school for two years. We had ten people in the class and produced a newspaper every two weeks. I really enjoyed this type of writing because it gave me the opportunity to write on things that interested me as well as my fellow students. I covered mostly sports and off campus interest stories. I have encountered writing that I am not a huge fan of. This would be analyzing short stories and poems. Sometimes it is difficult for me to focus and write on something that does not interest me. 

    This may be a bit cliché, but I have had experiences where writing has “broke down” when I use text messages to talk to my girlfriend. The popular “sure whatever” text message has proved to be a tough one to decode. I never know if it is an angry “sure whatever” or a content “sure whatever.”  This usually results in a phone call for clarification. 

    I believe that writing is one of the most important aspects of schooling. I hope that this course will help me fix mistakes with writing the four areas in chapter 1; everyday life, workplace, public, and school. Writing is often your first impression of someone and I would like the first impression to be a positive one.  Email has become such an exercised tool; it is essential in business world to write thoroughly.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I think your accomplishment in cycling is very amazing. Stay focused in life and you will do well in all aspects.
