Saturday, June 25, 2011

#4 Web evaluation

The website that I m critiquing is Supplement Warehouse. It can be found at

Dear Webmaster,

    I have a few suggestion on how you can make your website better all around. The first move I believe will help is the alignment of the whole page. It is very messy upon first look. There is also so many different pictures on your home page that it can become overwhelming to a first time user. On the home page I noticed that it is the “clearance” portion of the website. It may be useful to remove the pictures and put them in a tab on the side. This will make the home page a lot less congested already. If you like having it on the home page, maybe display four or five items and then have a “click here for more deals” link that would lead the customer to the “clearance” area. There are so many clearance items; it takes a minute to scroll through all of them. Think about also maybe replacing that section with a small about me section. 

    The feeling (pathos) of the website is one of get in quick, save money, and get out. There is no comfortable feeling. I understand that you want people to get the items quickly and also save money, but there are ways you can change that while still representing the same meaning. On the first page you can explain your lowest price guarantee, so that people are not confused about what the box next to the item is that is asking for the competitors price. It is also very boxy. Maybe some soft round edges would change the feeling of intensity and make it more relaxing. There is also a lack of color on the background, adjusting this might add new feeling to the website as well.

    There is also a line of graphic adds on the right side. It might be good to have these in a rotating box maybe in the bottom of the scrolling area, that way all of the ads will get seen. I like what you have done with your logo. Giving away free shakers and pill cases, really imprints the orange and purple “SW.” This is a unique combination that really associates the colors with your website.

    A few pointers are that to just double check the pictures that are getting posted, they are sometimes stretched out and the wrong size. The “find products box” could be adjusted a bit. Its very boxy again and it is very long lists. It is overwhelming when you are looking for a type of product rather then a certain product. Maybe tabs on the  top leading you to the different types of products that are being sold would help someone who is not yet up with the vocabulary of a supplement company.

     The overall effectiveness of the website is descent. It provides supplements at a cheap price, that is what people want, it makes people more forgiving. I just feel like you lose business, because people judge the security of websites by how they look. If it looks as if someone through it together, then people often do not want to shop there.  As far as usability, I think it is definitely usable if you are familiar with the products, if you are not as familiar with the products it might be a little difficult. There are also so many products that it is overwhelming. I would definitely say that it is very persuasive. Before you check out, you go to a screen and it says “great deals. ” This is where it tells you that with your order you get a free shaker and vitamin holder and also gives a lot of other options. It has a lot of individual packet of things that are normally priced at 3 dollars, and it offers them at 50 cents or $1. When I checked out I actually added $5 dollars to my order, if every person does this, I am sure it will add up. 

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